The Sustainable Homes Network of Northeast Ohio continues to grow. We are up to 173 members in our group! We had a great “Powered by Pecha Kucha” night in February, with presentations by Certified Passive House Consultant Michael Peters, Jennifer Tomasek of Cornerstone Construction speaking about the LEED registered home they are building, Michael Whelan of Superior Walls talking about energy efficiency for foundation systems, Nate Adams of Energy Smart Home Performance speaking about energy efficiency improvements for existing homes, and myself discussing the difference between sustainable substance and green “fashion”. This spring and summer we will be doing more tours of high performance new homes. We are working on setting dates to see homes in Garretsville, Bath, and North Canton. We are also planning a night to discuss Eco Villages, supporting a more sustainable lifestyle for an entire community. If you’d like to get notices about upcoming tours and meetings, join the